Generate 5-Star Online
Reviews via YAPPT

Just Set Up a Funnel, Then Ask For Feedback

72% of Customers Act

After Reading a Positive Review

50% of Buyers Make An Opinion

After Reading 1-5 Reviews

70% Loss Of Potential Clients

With 4+ Negative Reviews

Get More Reviews for Your Business

Do you have customers, clients, and guests?

Then get more reviews will work for your business…





Reputation management states to the procedure of constructing positive online business individuality. As of 2021, its primary emphasis is social media websites and their business score and review systems. Using user input, these platforms combined reviews from clients to display a complete average rating between 1 and 5 stars. Your higher rating, make your business better.

A bad rating damages your business more than one way. It not only will you have less visitors and customers, but you’ll also lose out on possible clicks through to your site, negative your Google page ranking metrics and further dropping your online visibility. Reputation management goals to not only decrease the number of bad reviews a business receives, but upsurge the number of positive reviews as well.

We are living in a world where your online reputation can be your major asset or your prime liability. Friends, employers, clients, colleagues and customers are growing using Google as their sidekick before making significant decisions.

Your Reputation is Priceless

We do all the setup, you get more reviews


Email and SMS Text messages make it simple for your customers to review you


Robotized, friendly updates guarantee customers leave you a 5-star rating


Successfully and quickly oversee negative customer input


Collect new surveys and show your current reviews directly from your site and email


Obviously share your best 5-star rating as posts on your Facebook page


Get notify when new reviews come in so you can make a move and respond if there is a need


Check out how your business is running and where to emphasis your efforts


Business in Multiple Locations

  • You are able to maintain your business to multiple locations
  • You are able to maintain multiple business’ information
  • You are able to switch between businesses at one click

Automatic Review Reply

  • Gives a way to reply to a review automatically
  • Custom star based automatic replies to reviews
  • Automatic replies to reviews are editable
  • Unlimited keyword based automatic replies
  • Generic replies to reviews
  • Default review reply for no keyword match
  • Star based review report is available

Location and Post Insights

  • You’re able to observe growth and state of business
  • Each location and post have insights
  • Each location provides insights for multiple metrics
  • Each post provides insight for different locations

Manual Review Reply

  • You can manually reply to a review from one interface
  • You can manually update a reply for any location.
  • Multiple admins can reply to a review

Question and Answer

  • No need other platforms for giving an answer to a customer’s questions
  • You can interact with your customers via questions & answers
  • You can write answers for any questions from a single interface
  • Multiple admins can answers to a questions

Campaigning Posts

  • A single interface for creating posts
  • You’re able to create several types of posts
  • You’re able to schedule posts to be posted later
  • You’re able to write a single post to different locations
  • All posts will be automatically posted onto google

Campaigning Call-To-Action Posts

  • You’re able to write several types of CTA posts
  • You can make your customers a phone call to you
  • You can get your customers to your products from google search page
  • You can make your customers to buy your products from google search

Campaigning Offer Posts

  • You’re able to make a coupon code for a specific or all products
  • You can get your customers to your products from google search page

Campaigning Event Posts

  • You’re able to write a post that can represent an event
91% of online users use search engines to find information on the web. (2012)
93% of searchers never go past the first page, instead using only the first 10 search results to form their impression. (2014)
65% of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies. That’s a higher level of trust than any other online or offline source. (2014)
Approximately 60% of US adults who search on Google themselves say the outcomes are not positive. (2012)
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1877 793-6008